Reaching the World with the Gospel

Jesus tells His disciples they will receive power from the Holy Spirit, and they will be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. We believe the same is true today. We are called to reach our city, our state, and our world. Through Liberty Missions, you have the opportunity to share the good news with people in India, Philippines and other places. And because we partner with churches and organizations, the work we do on the ground continues after we come home. Working together, we get to see the Great Commission happening before our eyes. Thousands of people have asked Jesus into their life during our trips abroad. But saying yes to missions won’t just change others — it’ll change you, too. Mission trips transform the people who go as much as they help the people we serve. Seeing God work around the world will expand your understanding of who He is, how much He loves you, and the power of the Gospel.

Jeypore | India

Pastor Mamta Paul

Pastor Mamata Paul pastors Liberty Christian Fellowship Church in Jeypore. She was born and brought up in a normal Christian family. Her father was a Lutheran Pastor and went to be with Lord when she was ten years old. Socially and financially, life was so difficult for her and her family, and the passing of the father only made life even more miserable. Mamata at the time did not have a real born again experience and was tormented by an evil spirit every day and night, until one day her brother took her to a pastor who prayed for her and she was delivered from the evil spirit and also received Jesus for the first time as Lord and Savior. Mamata got filled with the Holy Spirit and was baptized in water on December 11th, 1997. She then enrolled in Word Of Life Bible College.  After completing the Bible College, she started ministry in her District.
Mamata is a single parent with 2 biological sons and 10 orphan children. She is doing full time pastoring and planting children. God has anointed her with gifts of prophecy and healing and touching the lives many in India.
Jeypore Parabeda Ponda Colony, District  Koraput  (Odisha) State, Pin 764001

Macherla | India

Pastor Joysam Wesley

Pastor Joysam pastors Liberty Christian Fellowship Church in Macherla. He accepted Jesus Christ as his  personal savior at the age of 15 years and had his water baptism On December 31st, 2010. He submitted his life under God’s leadership and helped in the ministry with his father Pastor John Wesley. After his secular studies he enrolled in Bible school in YWAM CHENNI in the year 2017. He had an encounter and the Lord  spoke  and encouraged him with the Word from the book of Psalms 50:1 & 2.
Today Joysam is doing ministry in Macherla, India. His vision is to reach the unreached people with the Gospel of Jesus and plant churches. He also has a passion for ministering to the youth.

Ch.joysamwesley, S/o Johnwesley, Bethel Church, Macherla,  Pin: 522426, 20th Ward Dr, no:12/2/281, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh India

Phone Number: +91-9985186833


In April 2019 Pastor Lob had a glorious crusade in Tiwi, Philippines and many hundreds of people gave their lives to Jesus. 

There were several healings including the deaf hearing, the lame walking, partially blind people healed, arthritis and several other illness healed. To God be the glory!